Total Medals Earned: 474 (From 67 different games.) Total Medal Score: 8,850 Points
Medals Earned: 18/20 (345/420 points)
Reached Level 5
Completed the quest: "A Mine Ore Problem"
Reached Level 10
Completed the quest: "Dark Beginnings"
Completed the quest: "Dark Magic"
Completed the quest: "Supplies Needed"
Completed the quest: "The Corrupted"
Completed the quest: "The Cursed Mushrooms"
Completed the quest: "The Cursed Mushrooms Pt2"
Completed the quest: "The Highwaymen"
Completed the quest: "A Mysterious Request"
Completed the quest: "A Treacherous Foe"
Completed the quest: "Black Market"
Completed the quest: "Ogre In The Mine"
Completed the quest: "The Confrontation"
Completed the quest: "The Frostwood Spirit"
Completed the quest: "Extra Nasty"
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Completed the quest: "The Forbidden Tome"
Reached Level 15
Medals Earned: 7/15 (110/500 points)
Managed to spot a puppy
Crushed and flattened by a box
Managed to get halfway through the game
Shot with a laser beam from a robot's eyes
Managed to defeat a robot
Managed to defeat two robots
Finish the game once
Managed to fail in all different causes in a single play
Got electric shock
Falling down and failed
Crushed and flattened by an iron ball
Managed to finish the game in less than 4 minutes
Managed to finish the game using not more than 120 taps / mouse clicks
Managed to finish the game without a single fail
Managed to spot all 10 puppies throughout the game in one play
Medals Earned: 3/4 (100/125 points)
Take the easy way out.
Kinghood suxx
Grab your piece of eternal kingship
That's quite a busy reign
Medals Earned: 9/13 (145/240 points)
Obtain the Gun.
Obtain the Halo.
Obtain the Sword.
Obey 10 different commands.
Kill 25 Executioners.
Disobey 10 different commands.
Kill 25 Androids.
Medals Earned: 4/30 (40/500 points)
Defeat the Armored King Toad
Obtain the wooden bat
Collect 5 Moon Stones
Break over 100 boxes or crates
Give Albert the Bad News
Scrap a Big Robot
Defeat the Mercenary General
Rid a tree house of slimes
Defeat a harpy with her own weapon
Quickly drop a patrolling bandit unawares
Eat 5 food items that are considered unsafe
Steal from the mayor's treasury
Defeat a fully grown Sand Dragon
Sleep wherever it is possible to sleep
Consumed over 30 healing items
Increase Max HP to 40
Upgrade inventory to its max size
Collect 20 Moon Stones
Carry all the best equipment
Beat the Game
Collect over 1000 coins since the start of your journey
Increase Max Health to 99
Finish the game with zero deaths
Collect 40 Moon Stones
Finish the game in 64 minutes or less
Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/60 points)
Load a world from the server.
Submit a world.
Find the hidden Golden Astronaut token.
Medals Earned: 5/19 (35/500 points)
Construct something with pixel.
Clear Pixelo tutorials
Find something to buy!
Find Jumper puzzle. Then, you can jump!
LV 10 you are Pixelor!
Clear calendar puzzle. You can enjoy daily puzzle from now!
Clear last Easy puzzle
Find Pallet, then you can change your color!
Clear runner puzzle. you can run from now.
Clear all easy Puzzles
Eat 5 food
Clear last Normal puzzle
Collect 12 junks
Save 11 animals
Drink 4 alcohol and beverage
Capture 11 monster and ghost
Clear All Normal Puzzle
Clear all hard Puzzle
Medals Earned: 7/7 (265/265 points)
The antonym for incomprehension.
Everyone's favorite school subject.
"I" can't tell you the answer.
Evil lives on.
No clues here.
Me this.
For a small price.
Medals Earned: 6/20 (55/500 points)
Crashed without turning left nor right.
Crashed for the second time.
Reached 1 point score.
Crashed for the first time.
Crashed 8 times.
Crashed 16 times.
Tried both preferences of direction.
Crashed before start line with 0 score.
Reached 2 points score.
Checked the Credit screen.
Tried mouse and keyboard for playing.
Reached 8 score.
Reached 4 points score.
Reached 11 points score.
Reached 16 points score.
Reached 24 points score.
Crashed 32 times.
Reached 21 scores.
Crashed 64 times.
Reached 32 points score.
Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/390 points)
Spend 1000 gold.
Reach rank 20 with any character.
Kill 2 enemies with one circular strike.
Break 100 barrels.
Start and finish Act 1 Mission 2 (1-2) without any items equipped.
Kill 5 enemies with one meteor.
Have all equipment slots used with only epic items.
Complete Act 1.
Turn 10 enemies into chickens.
Complete the first two areas in Impossible mode.